How to take your coaching offer to
5-figures with integrity and create an overflow of premium clients while maintaining a spacious calendar.

How to take your coaching offer to 5-figures with integrity and create an overflow of premium clients while maintaining a spacious calendar⁠

You’re an amazing coach and you know what you offer is virtually priceless because you’ve seen the transformation your clients experience when they work with you.
Meanwhile, you’ve probably heard the drama in the online space:
“High ticket offers don’t sell anymore.”
“You need to make your coaching accessible to as many as possible.”
“The way to really scale is to build a “passive” course or “scalable” group program.”
“It’s greedy and inconsiderate to charge premium prices for your work.”
And beyond that, the problem is…
Even though you know deep down that your offer really IS priceless, you can’t seem to sell with confidence at the price that would allow you…
 More space to serve your clients at a premium level
 More discernment on the type of clients you’re willing to work with
 More breathing room in your calendar so you can live your damn life
And secretly, you’re starting to believe it’s impossible, wondering:
What could I possibly include for that price?
Who AM I to ask for that much?
If people are saying “no” right now, I’ll get even more rejections if I raise my prices.
You’re hesitant, because you KNOW what you offer could be worth 10x what you charge…

… but what does that matter if no one will pay for it?

… or if everyone thinks you’re ridiculous or extra or extravagant for charging that much?

It makes total sense.

Our whole lives we’ve been conditioned not to ask for too much.

To undervalue ourselves to make everyone else comfortable.

What if there was a world where charging PREMIUM was comfortable for you AND your clients?

Not just comfortable, but delightful and delicious.

It’s time for you to elevate into the category where you BELONG:
Welcome to the coaching business model where you no longer have anything to prove.

Where you don’t need massive audience growth to grow your income (or stroke our egos)...

And you don’t need to sell a million teeny tiny e-courses to feel like you’re “making it.”

Instead, you construct an offer at a PREMIUM LEVEL so you can simply serve PREMIUM CLIENTS as the PREMIUM COACH you’ve always wanted to become.

And you’ll have the space on your calendar to live the life you dreamed your business would provide you in the first place.

It’s a life and business model I’ve created for myself, and I know you want to be one of the few who get to experience it, too.
So, whether you want to take your coaching offer to 5-figures…

Or you want to feel undeniably confident selling at your current price…

How to take your coaching offer to 5-figures with integrity and create an overflow of premium clients while maintaining a spacious calendar.⁠
How to take your coaching offer to 5-figures with integrity and create an overflow of premium clients while maintaining a spacious calendar.⁠
Here's What You'll Learn:

Day One

Uncover the 4 factors that differentiate a coach who makes
5-figures per offer and those who don’t, regardless of their niche or experience, and how you can operate with integrity in the world of premium.

Day Two

Anatomy of a premium offer: the essential ingredients to craft an offer that inspires premium clients to buy with certainty (and practically throw their Amex at you ).😉

Day Three

How to choose the perfect price for your premium offer so you can stand behind it with integrity and ensure you have high demand for your services. 

Day Four

How to use my elegant sales method to attract, pre-motivate and pre-qualify leads in a way that has premium clients showing up ready to buy, creating an immediate “hell yes!” on your sales calls.

Bonus Day Five

Experience undeniable depth when you’re coached by Juliana live! Get unrivaled support directly from the coach who’s embodied the PREMIUM business and life for 6+ years and all the way to $7M+
Plus, live daily case studies on how clients applied
these EXACT concepts!
In just 4 days, you’ll walk away with exact steps to elevate your offer to premium status and live as a premium coach so your audience would truly pay anything to be in your energy.
In summary you get access to:
4 video trainings packed with immense value that will completely revolutionize and elevate the way you approach your coaching business.
4 Premium Playbooks to help you start implementing changes in your coaching business right away.
Space to focus on improving your business, engage with fellow high-achieving coaches and consultants, and get coached for free by Juliana.
See what these amazing coaches have to say about working with Juliana:

Angie made her annual coaching salary in 3 months

Angie Carlson

I made more in 3 months of the Magnetize & Monetize Mastermind than I did in an entire year of coaching. Now, I’ve doubled that and I’m not stopping. To say Juliana’s coaching is transformational is an understatement.
Angie Carlson

Jessica signed TWO $120K clients during the mastermind

It is vital to be in a container of people working at a level you want to be. That’s what MMM did for me, and more. When you make the investment, trust yourself to make it back because Juliana teaches you exactly how.

Angie made her annual coaching salary in 3 months

Kelsea Cannon

Holy crap, this has been an earth-shattering experience! The framework Juliana gives to upgrade our energy, our messaging, and ensure the copy we write lands in the hearts of our people is unparalleled.
Kelsea Cannon

And here’s what coaches are saying about Juliana’s free events:
I watched Day 3 yesterday and applied it to one post that got me 1200 new, aligned followers overnight. Thank you!

Juliana’s coaching sessions are 1000% beyond the value we pay for them.

Sometimes I hesitate signing up for free events because it’s a week long sales pitch, but it’s just Day 1 and I’ve received SO MUCH VALUE.

You in?

  We start Monday, August 26, in the Magnetic Marketing Secrets Facebook Group
How to take your coaching offer to 5-figures with integrity and create an overflow of premium clients while maintaining a spacious calendar.⁠

I'm Juliana Garcia

I’ve built a $7M+ coaching business with a level of spaciousness and sustainability that most coaches just don’t have.

Coaches ask me all the time, “Juliana, how did you do it?”

Most people expect a really complicated answer, but it’s actually very simple:

I created a truly premium offer, and I made it my mission to become the premium coach who delivered at that level.

That decision changed everything for me.

It was what allowed me to go from being born in a 3rd world country, not speaking a word of English.

To moving to Australia and then the U.S. by myself and building a coaching business that affords me the most delicious life I’ve ever dreamed.

And I built it all on no more than 2 offers.

My coaching business doesn’t look like anyone else’s. And I think that’s why it’s so attractive to coaches like you.

I’ve sustained multi-million dollar success per year even in the midst of gut-wrenching heartbreak, betrayal by my closest colleague, unavoidable mold outbreak in my home that left me sick, and so much more.

And I can’t wait to teach you how a premium offer can help you create what you REALLY want in your coaching business —
It’s not perfection. It’s not notoriety.

But simply selling out your programs, an overflow of clients, and space to live your damn life while you do it.

Because when you enter the Juliana vortex, you no longer have to prove anything to anyone.

You become the exception to the rule so that expedited success, high demand, and the right people just wanting to be in your world becomes your new norm.

You in?

  We start Monday, August 26, in the Magnetic Marketing Secrets Facebook Group
How to take your coaching offer to 5-figures with integrity and create an overflow of premium clients while maintaining a spacious calendar.⁠

You in?

  We start Monday, August 26, in the Magnetic Marketing Secrets Facebook Group
How to take your coaching offer to 5-figures with integrity and create an overflow of premium clients while maintaining a spacious calendar.⁠
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